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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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431. Morning Aspirations.
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431. Morning Aspirations.


The night's dark shadows disappear,
Once more the dawn is drawing near;
Let our first thoughts to God arise,
And pay the willing sacrifice.


The opening morn which now we see,
May we devote, O Lord! to thee;
And, till the evening, like the sun,
Our cheerful round of duties run.


Oh! may the Christian shine this day,
Alike in all we do and say:
From pride preserved, and every snare,
Let meekness be the robe we wear.


Till night once more her reign begin,
Protect us, Lord! from every sin;
Upon our path thy blessing shed,
And give us still our daily bread.


Teach us how fast our moments fly;
Let our ambition reach the sky!
Why should the world engross our heart,
So soon with all things here to part!


Like sands descending through the glass,
Our hours, in quick succession, pass;
The last will come, and this may be
The threshold of eternity!


Yet faith the far-off glance can send;
Death, to the righteous is a friend!


If short the mortal race we run,
The crown will be the sooner won!


While these inferior scenes decay,
May prospects of eternal day
Rise fresh, and fairer to our sight,
As morn succeeds the shades of night!


Oh! may we reach at length the shore
Where spirits bless'd, their God adore;
And join, to Him who once was slain,
The Seraphim's immortal strain!