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Ballads for the Times

(Now first collected,) Geraldine, A Modern Pyramid, Bartenus, A Thousand Lines, and other poems. By Martin F. Tupper. A new Edition, enlarged and revised

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May 15, 1850.

The dews of Hermon rest upon thee now,
Fair saint and martyr! and yet once again
Faith, hope and charity, like gracious rain,
Fall on thy consecrated virgin brow:


For lo! the Lord is with thee, as of yore,
And dwelleth in these hallow'd walls once more,—
Rather,—hath never left them; for He heard
When in thy desolate gates our earnest vow
Rose from this ruin'd altar to His throne,—
And resolutely were thy children stirr'd
Not in thy sad estate, forlorn and lone,
To leave thee prayerless,—but to win The Word,
The living word and sacraments of grace
Back to the echoes of this Holy Place.