University of Virginia Library



(After a morning's walk)

My notes—those white lips faintly pressed
Close to a dusty window pane,
The red eyes staring through the rain.
The sudden glare of tavern cheat,
When the fool's eyes were turned away—
Just lightning in a summer's day.
The spendthrift staring through the blind
At a tall glass of curdling wine;
Soon will the father froth and pine.
The puzzled, anxious, wondering gaze
Of wife, on husband's fist intent,
Thinking it but a jest he meant.
The viper eyes, so red and pinched,
Of the dwarf that tried to stab the man
In the bar of the “Goose and Frying-pan.”
The surgeon's look who raised the cloth
From dead man's face, so hard and cold;
His scowl when he replaced the fold.