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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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Time passeth o'er me like a silent cloud;
My gaze reverteth, but 'tis gone—dissolved
Into vacuity, or dim-involved
With the undiscerned winds!—Oh! Infancy,
Where be thine eyes, floating in delicate blue?
Oh! Childhood, where thy heart-high prophecy
Of dream-fulfilling bliss? Oh! Beauty's hue,
Where be thy balmy youth? Oh! Manhood proud,
Where thy stout sinews? Age, oh! where thy breath?
All blended in the infinite of Death!
Therefore, away! base heed of appetite;
And, love! be pastime for a wanton hour:
Out of this darkness must I kindle light,
And the all-powerful Shadow overpower.