University of Virginia Library


Between the Genius of Billingsgate, and the Genius of Exchange-Alley.

A Dialogue.

Genius of Billingsgate.
Be gone, thou tricking Genius, hence,
To Exchange-Alley fly with haste;
Where busy Knaves contend for Pence,
And laugh at Conscience as a Jest.

Genius of Exchange-Alley.
Be silent, thou provoking Hag,
I know thy Hatchet-Face of old,
Thou'rt Billingsgate's Eternal Plague,
That prompts the Thumbring'd Wives to scold.

Genius of Billingsgate.
What's that to thee? do thou be gone,
Among the crafty jobbing Crew,
Who oft sell Stock, when they have none,
And, with the Christian, blend the Jew.


Genius of Exchange-Alley.
Tis true, but how can you upbraid
A Practice so approv'd of late;
Since Lies, ill Words, and Oaths are made,
Your common Mart at Billingsgate.

Genius of Billingsgate.
Foul Language hath been always claim'd,
By noisy Fishwives, as their Right;
They're proud to think their Tongues are fam'd,
And scold by Custom, not in Spight.

Genius of Exchange-Alley.
So Cunning in Perfection reigns,
In that fam'd Alley I frequent,
Where Brokers, Jobbers, Jews and Saints,
Each Day new tricking Arts invent.

Genius of Billingsgate.
Why then shou'd Scolding be a Vice?
Or false Reproach so odious be?
Since all Men have their useful Lies,
And e'ery Trade its Mystery.


The Lawyer cozens in his Fees,
The Citizen extorts in Price:
In short, the Knave in all Degrees,
Reigns like the Devil in the Dice.

Genius of Exchange-Alley.
Why then am I in fault to teach
My Jobbers to be like the rest?
Since he that's hasty to be Rich,
Must deal with a deceitful Breast.
Then prithee, Sister, be my Friend,
For us to quarrel's but a Folly,
Do you the Fisher-Drabs attend,
And I the Knaves in Exchange-Alley.