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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 70.

[Our wounds do stink, and are corrupt]

1 Joh. 2. 20. But ye have an Unction from the holy One.

Our wounds do stink, and are corrupt,
Hard swellings we do see;
We want a little Oyntment, Lord,
Let us more humble be:
Thy Spirit will allay our pride,
And bring us to thy feet;
And when that we are softened,
Thy Image on us set.
This Oyl will heal and mollifie,
O pour it quickly in,
That we may live and never die,
Lord, by our cursed sin!
This Oyl of thine, O it is good
All Poyson to expell!
It by the vertue of thy Blood
Does heal thy Israel.
Though worst of Venom in us lye,
And has corrupt each part;
Yet if thou dost this Oyl apply,
'Twill heal our very heart:
And if our face anoynted be,
'Twill make it glorious shine,


'Twill strengthen us, and make us fat,
Such is this Oyl of thine.
Thy Oyl will not incorporate
With any liquid things;
An Underlin it won't be made,
But to the top it springs.
O then afford us Oyl we pray
To chear and make us glad,
And we thy praise will sing always,
And never more be sad.