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Streams from Helicon

Or, Poems On Various Subjects. In Three Parts. By Alexander Pennecuik ... The Second Edition. Enter'd in Stationer's Hall

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Exulting Prophets spread the News abroad,
And legal Pomp proclaims th'approaching God:
Isaiah's Voice transports the list'ning Throng,
His hallowed Lips pour forth the Gospel Song.
“From your low Posture and obscure retreat
“Arise and shine, and feel the welcome Heat;


“No more ly folded in the Arms of Night,
“Lo your Horizon's cloth'd with Beams of Light.
“No Torch we need t'illuminate the Way,
“The rising Sun doth chase the Shades away;
“We'll bask in Beams of Light and bless the joyful Day.
“O yes, o yes, on this transparent Morn,
“A Virgin shall bring forth, Immanuel shall be born:
Thus spoke Messiah's Harbenger of old,
Who with divine Impulse the Olive-Age fortold;
So gilds the rising Morn, the wide Expanse,
Ere Sol in golden Chariot doth advance;
To invite the drousie World from Orpheus's Chains,
Awakes the Earth to view the opening Scenes.
The Jessian Babe's fortold in every Age,
Old Testament Bards, who shook with sacred Rage,
Record th'auspicious Birth; the God's in every Page.
The Prophets Breasts were pain'd with holy Flame
Till they reveal his Power, and sing his glorious Name:
A glader Voice is heard, when they are dead,
The Evangelick Prophet doth succeed.
On barren Heaths the Preacher doth appear,
In rustick Weed, a Web of Camels Hair,
Who's venerable Figure doth exhort,
To hate the gaudy Fin'ry of a Court.
Plain like his Looks and Sermons he is dress'd,
A leathern Girdle wrapt around his Waste:
The reverend Fawn, in Life and Looks austere,
No Carnival e'er knew his Diet spare.


No Pickles did fresh Appetite provoke,
He Locusts eat, and Honey from the Rock;
His pious Life was one continued Lent,
The Sum of all his Eloquence, repent.
Malachy's divine Prophesies made clear,
A loud melodious Voice proclaims a Saviour near:
“Prepare, prepare to meet the coming God,
“Level each rugged Passage of his Road.
“Welcome the Son of God from's Throne above,
“Meet him upon his Embassy of Love:
“With joyful Hearts a filial Homage pay,
“Make straight the crooked Paths, prepare a Saviour's Way.