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Verses occasion'd by a Lady being extremely ill one Night, and perfectly well the next Day.

With rapid Force, the fierce Destroyer came,
Threat'ning Destruction to the beauteous Frame,
Quick were the Throes, unlimited the Pain,
Which shot impetuous thro' each boiling Vein.
In vain, for Ease, were various Methods try'd,
And every Remedy in vain apply'd.
No healing Drugs th' intestine War compose,
No lulling Slumber her fair Eyelids close.
Stranger to Rest, from side to side she turns,
And scorch'd with fev'rish Heats incessant burns.


One Night, unbounded, did the Tyrant reign.
Spreading Disorder and diffusing Pain:
But could no longer hold his cruel Sway,
He lost his Pow'r with the returning Day.
The Nymph deliver'd by her Guards Divine,
This short Eclipse will make her brighter shine.
So, oft in Summer does a sudden Show'r
Of falling Rain oppress a tender Flow'r:
But, that once o'er, the Flow'r so late opprest
Shall glorious rise, in fairer Colours drest.