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[The next day when the Clock strook two and fowre]

The next day when the Clock strook two and fowre,
I mounted Dun, Dun mounted Penmen Mawre;
And if I do not take my aime amisse,
That lofty Mountain seems the Skies to kisse:


But there are other Hils accounted higher,
Whose lofty tops I had no mind t'aspire:
As Snowdon, and the tall Plinnillimon,
Which I no stomack had to tread upon.
Merioneth Mountains, and Shire Cardigan
To travell over, will tire horse and man:
I, to Bewmaris came that day and din'd,
Where I the good Lord Buckley, thought to find:
But he to speak with me had no intent,
Dry I came into's house, dry out I went.
I left Bewmaris, and to Bangor trac'd it,
Ther's a brave Church, but Time and War defac'd it:
For Love and Mony I was welcome thither,
'Tis merry meeting when they come together.