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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[Processe of tyme worketh such wounder]

Processe of tyme worketh such wounder
That water which is of kynd so soft
Doeth perse the marbell stone a sonder
By litle droppes falling from aloft.
And yet an hert that sems so tender
Receveth no dropp of the stilling teres,
That alway still cause me to render
The vain plaint that sowndes not in her eres.
So cruel, alas, is nowght alyve,
So fiers, so frowerd, so owte of fframe,
But some way, some tyme, may so contryve
By mens the wild to tempre and tame.
And I that alwaies have sought and seke
Eche place, eche tyme for some lucky daye
This fiers Tigre lesse I fynde her meke
And more denyd the lenger I pray.
The lyon in his raging furour
Forberis that sueth mekenes for his boote:
And thou, Alas, in extreme dolour
The hert so low thou tredis vnder thy foote.
Eche fiers thing lo! how thou doest excede
And hides it vnder so humble a face,
And yet the humble to helpe at nede
Nought helpeth tyme, humblenes, nor place.