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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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We Two (I warrant thee) wil not faynt-a-whitt.
For as they call mee now, Thinspiring of the holy Goste/
So do those worke great Wonders, that highly do them boste:
And thee, to be the Spirit, that perfect is and free/
We shalbe Both accounted now, Unspotted ones to bee/
Euen as those which fall not into any naughty Sinne.

Hah-hah-ha/That is a fyne Remedy, & cuningly brought in/
As heere it doth appere now, for our Purpose passing-right.
O-ho! This shalbe to many Men, a Comfort and Delighte,
Which, to the Loue of Righteousnes, haue no good regarde:

Namely: To the Couetous, that seeke Gifts or Rewarde.
And go to teache the Scripture, for

Esa. 5.[illeg.] Exec. 13.b. 34. Mich. [illeg.].

fylthy Gayne & Treasure/

Because they woulde liue ydly, after their owne Mynds pleasure/
Also all, that flatter

Exe. 34.b.

the feeble Sheepe, from the right Foulde.

Those that ; with Compulcion; wil the Conscience captiue[illeg.]oulde.


Also those that do endeuour them, with great Desyer-of-mynde,
In their manly Knowledg, Gods Trueth to gett or fynde.
All, which perswade themselues, that they are

Tim. 1.a.


And ; after their owne Knowledg; wil liue

Rom. 1.b. 2. Pet. 2.b. [illeg.].b.

free and vnbrydled.

Also all, that do themselues, on their owne Knowledg grounde/
And with their false venemous Mouthes ; mischeuous of Sounde;
The Entrance into the Christian Beeing, do withstande & refuse.
As likewyse all Disobedient ones, that much Reading do vse/
And which ; after their owne Knowledg; themselues do still teache/
Turning thatt Doctrine to the worst, which the Loue doth preache.
Yea, and those, which the Scripture; like a Topp;

2. Pet. 3.b.

about do [illeg.]wle.

O! We haue yet many more, contayned in our Scrowle/
Which after the Spirits-inspiring, by Good-thinking, do liue.