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Otia Sacra Optima Fides

[by Mildmay Fane]

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A Carroll.
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A Carroll.

Luke 2.

Was all the world by Cæsar tax'd to know,

What wealth each Country, City, house could show?
Did that Decree extend but just so far
As where Cyrenius was Governor?
Yes sure, where e'r the Roman power bore sway,
None could decline the Doom of Syria.
So cam't to pass, that He of David's stem,
Hast'ned from Nazareth to Bethlehem


With his espoused Mary, and got there
Of what's before time, Time's th' accomplisher:
Nor would the Darkness of those Dayes confess
A currency unto such Preciousness;
But house and City, Countrey, all three seem
To cast upon those Guests the Low'st esteem;
And so the other Strangers well may be,
Shuffle these Friends into the Ostlerie.
What doe we less, whilst Emperour-like each one
Bears o're his lesser world Dominion,
And freedome hath to tax each Sense, to bring
Its best of treasure to this Offering:
Yet as asleep, or blinde with Natures light,
We learn to court all Objects save the right:
And whilst those houses should 'been tricked ore
For Him alone, they'd let in Sin before:
The Cities of our hearts possest with vice,
Will not change garison at any price;
So what the Region of our Souls can grant,
Is, t'appear rich in ill, all good to want:
Yet though this Province, Fort, and Sconces all
Taken, betray'd, and under Satans thrall;
'Tis not presum'd, but that by Faith being led,
All these may eas'ly be recovered,
Nay, all are won already to that brest,
Prepared is to welcome this new guest.