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What's this coming? Baby, hark!
It's the doggie—hear him bark:
“Bow, wow, wow, wow”—
Don't you frighten Baby now!
Pussy hears him. See her hide,
Now her eyes are open wide:
“Meouw, Meouw—sptisss, sptisss!”
Oh, how angry pussy is!
Go 'way, doggie—run off, quick;
Moonie cow has found your stick—
“Moo, moo, moo, moo;”
Moonie cow is calling you.
Now he's off. He's in the yard,
All the sheep are running hard.
“Ba-a, ba-a, ba-a, ba-a!”
(What a naughty dog you are!)
Up, old rooster! doggie's coming;
He will catch you—see him running!
“Ech-ka cock-a-doodle-doo”—
Go 'way, dog! Who cares for you?
Now he's at the ducks—O look!
See them waddle to the brook.


“Quack! quack! quack! quack!”
Doggie cannot drive them back.
Turkey gobbler, chase him now;
Chase him, turkeys! “Bow, wow, wow!”
“Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble!”
“Bow, wow, wow”—“gobble, gobble!”
Sting him, bees! The naughty doggie!
Jump upon him, great big froggie!
“Buzz, buzz,” “gluck, gluck:”
Now, old doggie, where's your pluck?
There, they've bothered you enough—
And you're sorry, poor old Buff?
“Bow, wow, wow, wow,”
Come and play with Baby now.