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At the village, that night, cries arose
When a mist hued like blood scaled the heaven.
What was this leapt so fearful afar?
Was the Carisfort homestead ablaze?
In a tumult they rushed, boys and men—
Women, too, though past midnight the hour.


When the first hardy runner attained
The great structure, its doom had been sealed.
Well had Carisfort planned his wild scheme..
For from basements and attics alike
Did profuse jets of scarlet outpour,
And a gaunt lurid column of smoke
From the main roof was towering august.
To an awestricken mob soon had swelled
They that stared on the hungry turmoil.
Like a shadowy accomplice, the wind
Sped with fleet volatility here,
There and everywhere, kindling the greed
Of combustion, as hate kindles crime.
“Look—the North wing!” a shout rang from some,
And in hurrying wonder all sped
Where the North wing stood shrouded with fire.
At a casement—one moment, no more—
Like a phantom gleamed Carisfort. Close
To his breast he had gathered a form
That was limp as if lifeless. .. He stooped,
And with eager lips pressed the slant cheek...
Then a scorpion of flame writhed its way
To the casement, and watchers beheld
In its place one red frenzy of glare.


When the dawn with reluctant pearl pushed
From horizon to zenith, it showed
In the mansion's proud place fuming bulks
Of charred rafter and dislocate stone.
But the Carisfort curse was annulled.
Nevermore by this race would be reaped
That implacable harvest of pain
Which “the sins of the parents” had sown.