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Father in Heaven, our prayer is to thee;
O, guide us, and save us, while roaming the sea!
The winds and the waters thy voice but obey;
With mercy inspire them, and smile on our way.
Thou art Almighty! but feeble are we;
And lost, if thou leave us alone on the sea!
Down in the fathomless depths of the flood
Lie hosts that were slain with no shedding of blood:
Their eyes quenched for ever, their warm hearts made cold,
Where worthless are strown precious gems and pure gold.
Thou, at whose mandate the death-angels fly,
Great Spirit of life, keep us now, or we die!
Billowy mountains around us may rise,
And sable-winged storms wildly sweep o'er the skies;
Our bark may be lashed by the surge and the blast,—
To dread heights be tossed, or in yawning gulfs cast:
Death, armed with terrors, his work shall forbear,
O God! if thou hear us,—to thee is our prayer.
Father in Heaven, by night or by day,
With moonbeams and stars, or the sun, light our way!
O, breathe in the breezes, our canvas to fill;
And when waves are raging, say, “Peace! be ye still!”
Thou art Eternal!—of few days are we:
Uphold thy frail children who roam o'er the sea!