University of Virginia Library


In honor chief, upon the Lord's right hand
His station Michael held: the dreadful sword
That from a starry baldric hung, proclaimed
The Hierarch. Terrible, on his brow
Blazed the Archangel crown, and from his eye
Thick sparkles flashed. Like regal banners, waved
Back from his giant shoulders his broad vans,
Bedropt with gold, and, turning to the sun,
Shone gorgeous as the multitudinous stars,
Or some illumined city seen by night,
When her wide streets pour noon, and echoing through
Her thronging thousands mirth and music ring.
Opposed to him, I saw an Angel stand
In sable vesture, with the Books of Life.
Black was his mantle, and his changeful wings


Glossed like the raven's; thoughtful seemed his mien,
Sedate and calm, and deep upon his brow
Had Meditation set her seal: his eyes
Looked things unearthly, thoughts unutterable,
Or uttered only with an Angel's tongue.
Renowned was he among the Seraphim
For depth of prescience, and sublimest lore;
Skilled in the mysteries of the Eternal,
Profoundly versed in those old records where,
From everlasting ages, live God's deeds;
He knew the hour when yonder shining worlds,
That roll around us, into being sprang;
Their system, laws, connexion; all he knew
But the dread moment when they cease to be.
None judged like him the ways of God to man,
Or so had pondered; his excursive thoughts
Had visited the depths of Night and Chaos,
Gathering the treasures of the hoary deep.