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The miscellaneous works of David Humphreys

Late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America to the Court of Madrid

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Rise now, my soul! intelligence refin'd!
Ethereal efflux of th' eternal mind!
Rise, in immortal youth and vigour fresh,
Expand thy vision unobscur'd by fresh;
On rapture's plume, with boundless flight, explore
Our prospect opening and our bliss in store!
What though our state, in untried prime, appears
A freighted vessel on the flood of years;
Though unknown perils, tempests, foes and shelves
Surround, and factions rise amidst ourselves;
Though worlds combin'd, or adverse fates annoy,
What but disunion can our bliss destroy?
Though many a dubious day and dismal scene,
Ere our probation cease, must intervene;
Beyond these glooms what brighter days appear,
Where dawns on mortals heav'n's millennial year!
In western wilds what scenes of grandeur rise,
As unborn ages crowd upon my eyes!
A better æra claims its destin'd birth,
And heav'n descending dwells with man on earth.