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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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M. H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp (Oxford and
New York, 1953). R. Ayroult, la genèse du romantisme
2 vols. (Paris, 1961). M. Beyer-Froelich, Die
Entwicklung des deutschen Selbstzeugnisse:
Vol. 7, Pietismus
und Rationalismus
(Leipzig, 1933), Vol. 9, Empfindsamkeit,
Sturm und Drang
(Leipzig, 1936). H. Brunschwig, la crise
de l'état prussien à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et la genèse de
la mentalité romantique
(Paris, 1947). L. G. A. de Bonald,
Oeuvres complètes (Paris, 1859). A. Cobban, Edmund Burke
and the Revolt Against the Eighteenth Century
1929). Lester G. Crocker, Nature and Culture (Baltimore,
1963), Ch. 6. Joseph de Maistre, Les soirées de Saint-
2 vols. (Paris, 1821); idem, Considérations sur
la France
(Paris, 1821); idem, Lettres et opuscules (Paris,
1861); idem, Oeuvres complètes, 14 vols. (Lyons, 1884-87);
idem, The Works of Joseph de Maistre, trans. J. Lively
(London, 1965). J. G. Fichte, DieBestimmung des Menschen
(1800), ed. F. Medicus (Leipzig, 1921), trans. William Smith
as The Vocation of Man (LaSalle, Ill., 1906); idem, Reden
an die deutsche Nation
(1807-08; Leipzig, 1921), trans.
R. F. Jones and G. H. Turnbull as Addresses to the German
(Chicago, 1922); on Fichte: Xavier Léon, Fichte et
son temps,
2 vols. (Paris, 1922-24; 1954-59). J. C. Hamann,
Werke, ed. J. Nadler, 6 vols. (Vienna, 1949-57); idem,
Briefwechsel, ed. W. Ziesemer and A. Henkel, 8 vols.
(Wiesbaden, 1955—); works on Hamann: W. M. Alexander,
Johann Georg Hamann (The Hague, 1966); J. Blum, la vie
et l'oeuvre de J. G. Hamann
(Paris, 1912); R. Knoll, J. G.
Hamann und F. H. Jacobi
(Heidelberg, 1963); W. Leibrecht,
Gott und Mensch bei J. G. Hamann (Güttersloh, 1958), trans.
J. H. Stam and M. H. Bertram as God and Man in the
Thought of Hamann
(Philadelphia, 1966); P. Merlan, “From
Hume to Hamann,” The Personalist, 32 (1859); idem, “Parva
Hamanniana,” Journal of the History of Ideas, 9 (1948),
380-84, 10 (1949), 567-74; idem, “Hamann et les dialogues
de Hume,” Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 59 (1954);
J. Nadler, J. G. Hamann (Salzburg, 1949); J. C. O'Flaherty,
Hamann's Socratic Memorabilia (Baltimore, 1967); idem,
Unity and Language. A Study in the Philosophy of Johann
Georg Hamann
(Chapel Hill, 1952); R. Unger, Hamann und
die Aufklärung,
2 vols. (Halle, 1925; Tübingen, 1963). Hiram
Haydn, The Counter-Renaissance (New York, 1950; 1960).
J. G. von Herder, Sämtliche Werke, ed. B. Suphan, 33 vols.
(Berlin, 1877-1913). F. H. Jacobi, Jacobis Werke, ed. F. Roth,
6 vols. (Leipzig, 1812-25); idem, Briefwechsel, ed. F. Roth,
2 vols. (Bern, 1825-27); on Jacobi: L. Lévy-Bruhl, la phi-
losophie de F. H. Jacobi
(Paris, 1894). H. Kindermann,
Entwicklung der Sturm- und Drangbewegung (Vienna, 1925);
idem, J. M. R. Lenz und die deutsche Romantik (Vienna,
1925); idem, Von deutscher Art und Kunst, Deutsche Litera-
tur, Irrationalismus,
Vol. 6 (Leipzig, 1935). A. Koyré, La
philosophie de Jacob Boehme
(Paris, 1929). A. O. Lovejoy,
The Reason, the Understanding, and Time (Baltimore, 1961).
F. Meinecke, DieEntstehung des Historismus, 2 vols.
(Munich and Berlin, 1936), trans. J. E. Anderson as Histo-
(London, 1972). E. Neff, The Poetry of History (New
York, 1947; 1971). R. Pascal, The German Sturm und Drang
(Manchester, 1951). M. Peckham, Man's Rage for Chaos
(Philadelphia, 1965). K. J. Pinson, Modern Germany, Its
History and Civilization
(New York, 1954; 2nd ed. 1966).
J. Roos, Aspects littéraires du mysticisme philosophique
(Blake, Novalis, Ballanche), (Strasbourg, 1951). F. Schlegel,
Lucinde (Jena, 1807). F. Schleiermacher, >Vertraute Briefe
über Friedrich Schlegels Lucinde
(Berlin, 1807). C. Schmitt-
Dorotic, Politische Romantik (Munich and Leipzig, 1925).
Shaftesbury, Third Earl of, A Letter Concerning Enthusiasm
(London, 1708); idem, The Moralists (London, 1708); idem,
Characteristicks of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1711),
ed. J. M. Robertson (London, 1900). E. Spenle, la pensée
allemande de Luther à Nietzsche,
4th ed. (Paris, 1949). J.
Starobinski, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, la transparence et
(Paris, 1957). A. Viatte, Les sources occultes du
2 vols. (Paris, 1928). G. B. Vico, Opere, one-
volume ed., F. Nicolini (Milan and Naples, 1953); idem,
la Scienza nuova (1725; rev. 1730, 1744), trans. T. H. Bergin
and M. H. Fisch as The New Science (Ithaca, 1948; New
York, 1961); see the collections entitled Omaggio a Vico
(Naples, 1968) and Giambattista Vico, ed. G. Tagliacozzo
and H. V. White (Baltimore, 1969).

See also the collections Sturm und Drang: Kritische
(Heidelberg, 1962; 1963), and Sturm und Drang:
Dramatische Schriften,
2 vols. (Berlin, 1958).


[See also Enlightenment; Irrationalism; Organicism; Ro-
Volksgeist; Zeitgeist.]