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University Notices



ODK election meeting Tuesday
March 27 at 8 p.m. in Jefferson

Prof. Elzinga speaking on antitrust
lawyer, 8:00 p.m., south meeting
room. Newcomb, Public invited.

IEEE – Tues. 27 March, 7:30 p.m.,
A&M Room 126. Research in
Modern Controls – Cr. Cook.
Refreshments before meeting.

Christian Science Organization
testimony meetings: at 7:30, 1981
Lewis Mountain Rd., just up from
Memorial Gym. All are invited.


Meeting: Student Chapter ACLU.
7:30 p.m. Conference Room,
Newcomb Hall.

Organizational meeting of Slavic
Club, 2:00, basement Cocke Hall.
Open to all interested.

Anthropology Association –
meeting 7:00 p.m., 323 Cabell Hall.
Film "The Feast," by Chagnon on
Yanomamo of Brazil.

Pre-registration meeting for all
prospective biology majors on 5:00
p.m.–Room 150, Gilmer Hall.