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5 occurrences of dabney
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5 occurrences of dabney
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A building planned and erected for the purpose is exclusively used
as a chemical lecture-room and laboratory. It is completely fitted
with the most approved appliances, and stocked with apparatus, models,
materials and specimens. The commodious lecture-room, with work
and store rooms attached, is provided with every convenience for exhibiting
a complete series of experiments illustrating the lectures on
General Chemistry. The large room assigned to Analytical Chemistry
will accommodate fifty working students, and is furnished with work
tables, gas, water, and all proper laboratory fixtures; and all requisite
apparatus, chemicals, minerals, materials for analysis, etc., are kept
constantly supplied by home purchase and importation.

A very large number of specimens, constituting a Museum of Industrial
Chemistry, has been collected, at much expense and pains, in this
country, England, France and Germany, to illustrate the products and
processes of Chemistry applied to the Arts and Manufactures, and is
so arranged as to be a most valuable aid to the student of Industrial
Chemistry. (See page 32.)