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Page 206

Twenty-fifth Regiment.

Companies A and B of this regiment were raised from the
Washington Light Infantry, a time-honored militia organization
of Charleston, which also contributed a company to the
Hampton Legion. These companies went into State service,
serving at Coles Island the winter of '61-'62, and called themselves
The Eutaw Battalion, Simonton, senior captain, commanding.
Upon the reorganization of the First South Carolina
(Hagood's) regiment in April, 1862, three of its companies
(Pressley's, Glover's and Sellars') seceded, as they were permitted
by the law to do, to this battalion, and it grew into a
regiment by the addition of newly raised companies. On 22nd
July, 1862, it was mustered into Confederate service for "three
years or the war." Captain Simonton became its colonel. He
was a lawyer of prominence in Charleston, both before and after
the war. His service with his regiment during its connection
with the brigade was limited, he being most of the time detached
on post duty. Captains Pressley and Glover became respectively
lieutenant-colonel and major, and were both most excellent and
meritorious officers. Among the subordinates were a number of
first-class officers, and the men were of excellent material. Companies
A and B were raised in Charleston; the other companies
from the middle country of the State.

The discipline and esprit of the regiment was good. Its service
had been principally in and around Charleston. It was creditably
engaged at the Battle of Secessionville, among the troops
outside of the fort. During the existing siege of the city, it had
had a comparatively easy time on James Island until the last
days of Wagner, when for the first time it was part of the garrison.
Under its lieutenant-colonel, Pressley, it had then behaved
with much steadiness, and met with considerable loss. Under the
same meritorious officer it was engaged in the affair of the 16th
July with General Terry's forces on James Island, and it had
borne its share by detail in the other duties and events of the