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A Preparatiue Courte held for Virginia At Sr Edwin Sandis house ye last of Ianuary 1619
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A Preparatiue Courte held for Virginia At
Sr Edwin Sandis house ye last of Ianuary


Ri: hono: Lord Pagett.

mr Treasuror.  mr James Swifte.  mr Rich: Casewell. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Tho: Gibbes.  mr Paulson. 
Sr Tho: Wroth.  mr Iohn Ferrar Dept mr Spruson. 
Sr Henry Rainsford.  Captain Bargraue.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Robert Smith.  mr Berblock. 
mr Dr Anthony.  mr Brumfeilde.  mr Leauor. 
mr Dr Gulstone.  mr Caninge.  mr George Smith. 
mr Dr Winstone.  mr Henr: Briggs.  mr Pe: Arundell. 
mr Ri: Tomlynℯ.  mr Nicho Ferrar.  mr Eli: Robertℯ. 
mr Cranmore.  mr Tho: Mellinge. 
mr Steph: Sparrow. 

Mr Treasuror signified that the Comittee appoynted for pursuinge of
the standinge orders have looked therinto correctinge some few &
explayning others wch hee p̢sented now and red and explayned them
to the Courte most of them beinge confirmed in the last § great § gen-
erall Courte, and now againe Comendinge them to their considerac̃on,
wherby they may receave vppon Wednesday next a fynall ratefy-

The Comittee hau-
ing p̱used ye stand-
inge orders were
presented and


And for asmuch as accordinge to a Law in the standinge orders they
are all to be read to the Court once a yeare, vizd in the Quarter Courte
in Hillary Tearme, therfore moved for the fullfillinge of the same that
the Company would be heere wthout faile att two of the Clocke and
the rather Consideringe so much buisines as is then to be dispatched
ffower seuerall paire of Indentures to fower seuerall Personns and
their Associates for graunt of Land in Virginia, three paire menc̃oned
in the last Courte, and one paire since allowed to Sr Iohn Peirce and
his Associates to be red allowed and sealled att that time.

Touchinge the moc̃on of Mr Caninge deferred from the last vnto this
Courte itt is now so well conceived of the good that may accrew therby
by such a Composic̃on (if itt be truely ment) that vppon intelligence
of the said Mr Caninge that they desire to converse wth some p̱ticular
men of the Company aboute itt, The Court have now made choyse of
a Comittee to know their resoluc̃ons, that is to say Sr Nath: Rich, Mr
Deputy Mr Dr Winstone, Capt Bargraue, Mr Keightley, Mr Wrote, and
mr Cranmer, and have agreed to meet to morrow afternoone att :2:
of the Clocke in this place Mr Caninge haveinge vndertaken yt ffower
of those wch p̳poundeth this buisiness shalbe heere att that time. [69]

The moc̃on of mr
Caninge at ye Last
Court well con-
ceiued of
A Comittee ap-
poynted to know
their resoluc̃ons

Wheras his Maty: hath graunted to the Lady Lawarr a yearly Penc̃on
to be paide vnto her by the ffarmors of the Custome; The Company
vppon her Ladyships request are content, (consideringe the Custome
for ye Aduenturors Tobacco is not yett sattisfied) that the first p̱cell wch
is sould if itt amount to 250li: so much beinge due vnto her vppon her
Share shall be paid vnto her or else so much Tobacco presently (if
her Ladyship please to accept thereof) att such price as the rest shalbe
sould or taken off of their hands, And for their discharge to take a
receipt from the ffarmors of the Custome.

The first parcell of
Tobacco sould if it
amount to 250li: to
be pd ye La: La-

And takinge into Considerac̃on the losse the Adventurers have sus-
teyned by the Tobacco remayninge vppon their hands, and the daunger
they stand in of a great deall more, if the Ships should com from
Virginia and ye Somer Ilands as they dayly are expected, therfore
itt was propounded to the Adventurors to take out their Capitollℯ at
iiijs a pound and soe each make the best of itt hee cann, butt some


thinkinge itt was too much and that rather iijs vjd was ennough: itt was
agreed to be putt to ye question wch done most voyces allowed of iiijs,
and hee that would be willinge at this price to take out more then his
Capitall should have Six and Six monneths for payment, butt entringe
into dispute, whether such as tooke outt their Capittallℯ in that man-
ner shall Coparte of such proffits as may heer after accrew vnto the
rest, itt could not now be agreed vppõ butt was referred to be de-
bated further att the Quarter Courte when more of the Adventurers
shalbe present.
The loss of ye Ad-
uenturers consid-
ered by haueing
their Tobacco ly
vppon their handℯ.
A p̳posic̃on for
euery one to take
out their Capitollℯ.

Touchinge the orders from the LLs: Comissioners they were referred
to the Considerac̃on of this Quarter Courte.

The orders from
ye LLos Comis-
sioners referred.

Mr Thr̃er and mr Deputy haveinge had much Conference with the
Lord Maior and Aldermen about the 100 Children intended to be sent
found them att the first well adicted and affected vnto theire demaundℯ.
butt since some p̱ticular p̱sonns lesser respectinge (as should seeme)
the Companies good have occasioned such straunge demaunds as is
not fittinge for them to aske, nor can no wayes by the orders of this
Company be graunted, and therfore have determyned to rectifie the
Coppy of their demaunds so farr as may stand with the orders of the
Company to graunt and so to returne itt to the Courte of Alder-
men to morrow att tenn of the clock to accept therof or noe [70]
to wch purpose is desyred Sr Thomas Wroth, Sr Henry Rainsforde
Mr Iohn Wroth, and Mr Deputy.[152]

The Coppy of ye
Citties demaundℯ
touchinge ye 100:
Children to be sent
to Virginia recti-

Itt was ordered in regard sufficient testimony beinge produced that
Iohn Archer brother of Captaine Gabriell Archer disceased in Vir-
ginia is the next heire vnto him, that the said Iohn Archer shall have
two Shares, said to belonge to the said Captaine: vizd one share for
xijli—xs adventured, and the other for the Adventure of his p̱sonn.

2 Shares allowed
to Iohn Archer.

Mr Stephen Sparrow assigned to Iohn Hope Marriner one share of
xijli—xs.00 allowed by the Auditors and confirmed by this Courte.

Stephen Sparrow:
1: Share to Iohn


Written over Accompts.


An order of the Privy Council, of this date, authorizing the sending of 100 children to Virginia is
given in List of Records, No. 161, page 139, ante.