University of Virginia Library


One of the Miller Scholarships, established in honor of the
late Samuel Miller, is awarded by the faculty at the close of each
session to the candidate who passes, with the highest aggregate of
marks, in Physics B1, Chemistry B1, and Botany B1. The tenure is
for two years; and the emolument is two hundred and fifty dollars
a year, with free tuition.

The holder is required during his tenure to pursue studies in
the College only, and to elect each year one course in either the
School of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry or the School of
Biology: the laboratory fees are not remitted. There is no other
restriction upon his election of courses, and all of the courses required
for candidacy and tenure can be included in a program for
a baccalaureate degree.

The holder of a Miller Scholarship is required, during each year
of his tenure, to serve as a student assistant in the Biological Laboratory.
The amount of time required is three afternoons a week,
or such equivalent amount of time otherwise distributed as may be
agreed upon by the holder and the professor under whom the service
is rendered.

The McCormick Scholarship, established in honor of the late
Leander J. McCormick, the founder of the Astronomical Observatory,
is awarded by Mr. Robert Hall McCormick, of Chicago. The
emolument is free tuition in any department of the university, with
remission of the university fee.


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The Isaac Carey Scholarship is awarded by the Carey Trustees.
Its value is about three hundred dollars a year.

The Thompson Brown Scholarship is awarded by its founder.
Its value is one hundred and twenty dollars a year.

The Birely Scholarship, founded upon the bequest of the late
Mrs. Evalena Seevers Birely, in honor of her husband, Valentine
Birely, Esq., of Frederick, Maryland, is awarded by the Visitors to
some students from the State of Maryland. Its value is about one
hundred dollars a year.

The Henry Coalter Cabell Scholarship is awarded by the Visitors
to a graduate student upon the recommendation of the Committee of
the School of English Literature. Its value is fifty dollars a year.

The Isabella Merrick Sampson Endowment to the Engineering
By the generous gift of Mr. W. Gordon Merrick of Glendower,
Albemarle County, Virginia, made in July, 1910, there is provided
the sum of one hundred dollars annually, to be granted by the
trustees of the endowment to some deserving young man of Albemarle
County, who is or may desire to become a student of the University
of Virginia in the Engineering Department. If no applicant
from Albemarle County applies, the trustees may select a student
from some other section. Application should be made through the
Dean of the Engineering Department to the trustees of the Isabella
Merrick Sampson Endowment.

The Harmon Scholarship in the Department of Law was established
by the Rector and Visitors of the university June 11, 1912
and carries exemption from all tuition and university fees. The
holder of the scholarship must be "a young Virginian of ability, character,
and need."