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David H. Christian, Superintendent of the Roanoke
Almshouse, Roanoke, Virginia, was appointed to fill
that position in May, 1898, by the City Council,
illustration and for his competent
and efficient management
has been continuously
reölected ever
since that time.

He was born in Nelson
County, Virginia, March
25th, 1849, being a son
of James B. and Lucy
J. (Kyle) Christian.
His childhood and early
manhood were spent on
the farm with his
parents and he attended
the schools of his native
county, obtaining a fair
education. He was a
member of a "Home
Guard" and was called
out twice for service in
the Civil War.

Upon reaching manhood, he engaged in railroad
work, which he followed for a period of nine years.

He came to Roanoke in January, 1891, and conducted
a produce house under the firm name of D. H.
Christian & Company and for a while was connected
with the firm of Hudson & Christian in the same line
of business.

For the past fourteen years he has had the management
and control of the "poor" farm owned by the
city of Roanoke and resides some two and one-half
miles south of the city.

On December 20th, 1883, he married Annie E.
Taliaferro, daughter of Arthur and Ann Taliaferro of
Nelson County. To this marriage one daughter was
born, Miss Ethel Christian, who died August 23d,
1900, after reaching womanhood.

Politically Mr. Christian is a pronounced Prohibitionist.

Religiously he is a member and a deacon of the
Jefferson Street Baptist Church.

Fraternally he is an Odd Fellow and a member of
the Knights of the Mystic Chain.

As an official of the city he has performed his duty
well and has been faithful to the trust imposed in
him at all times.

Mrs. Christian died in August, 1899.