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Our country now is great and free,
Few days, few days;
And thus shall it forever be,
We know the way.
Northern foes may gather here,
Few days, few days;
We will protect what we hold dear—
We know the way.


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Chorus. We'll battle innovation,
Few days, few days,
And fight 'gainst usurpation
By a cunning foe;
For our guide is freedom's banner,
Few days, few days;
Our guide is freedom's banner.
We know the way.
The world shall see that we are true,
Few days, few days;
And that we know a thing or two,
We know the way.
As Southern boys we're hand in hand,
Few days, few days;
Our countless throng shall fill the land,
We know the way.
Chorus. We'll battle innovation, etc.
From mountain and from valley forth.
Few days, few days,
We'll go to meet the open North,
We know the way;
The freedom that our fathers won,
Few days, few days.
Shall be defended by each son,
We know the way.
Chorus. We'll battle innovation, etc.
Then shout, then shout o'er hill and plain,
Few days, few days;
We will our country's rights maintain,
We know the way;


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We'll always guard it with our might,
Few days, few days;
And keep it steadfast in the right—
We know the way.
Chorus. We'll battle innovation, etc.