February 15, — Corinto.
We are back here now and rid of that dusty, dirty city.
You would be amused if you saw this place and tried to
understand why we prefer it to any place we have seen. There
is surf bathing at a half mile distant and a good hotel with a
great bar where a Frenchman gives us ice and the sea captains
and agents for mines and plantations in the interior gather to
play billiards. Outside there are rows of handsome women with
decollete gowns and shining black hair and colored silk scarfs
selling fruit and down the one street which faces the bay are
a double row of palms and the store where two American boys
have a phonograph. They are the only Americans I have met who
have or are taking a dollar out of this country. They play
the guitar and banjo very well. One of them was on the
Princeton glee club and their stories of how they have toured
Central America are very amusing. Lots of Love.