University of Virginia Library


Psalme. LIX.

The Argument.

Agaynst the proud: is made request
Who dealth wyth guile and fraude:
Whom God shall driue: to want theyr rest,
with famine ouer yawde.

Eripe me de inimicis.


From all my foes: deliuer me,
O God my God thou art:
Shield me from them: in suertie,
that vp at me be start.


From workers bad: O saue my lyfe,
wyth them no tyme to mell:
From bloudy men: whole set to strife,
make me most far to dwell.


For lo they wayt: my soule to catch,
these freakes be met in spyte:
Though iust offence: they cannot latch,
at me O Lord of ryght.


Yet causeles they: styll flocke at mee,
to hurt they them prepare:
Aryse therfore: O Lord and see,
helpe me now plungd in care.


Stand vp thou God: and Lorde of hostes,
thou Lord of Iacobs lyne:
All Paynyms (Lord) vew thou theyr bostes,
spare not theyr wilfull cryme.



They go at euen: both to and fro,
they grin as dogs to bite:
The streates they trot: in citie so,
as pickethankes them delyte.



Behold they speake: wythin theyr mouth,
but swordes wythin theyr lyps:
They thinke belyke: none heare the sothe,
from them that falshode slips.


But thou O Lord: shalt them deryde,
to scorne theyr mad attempt:
These heathen dogs: that barke so wyde,
from thee who can exempt?


My strength I will: kepe fast by thee,
O God I will not shrynke:
Of thee I know: all strength to bee,
as rocke on thee I thynke.


For God of grace: wil me preuent,
wyth mercy plentuously:
And how my foes: shall once be shent,
God shal make me to spy.


Yet slea them not: all sodenly,
lest them my flocke forget:
But scatter them: a stray to fly,
deiect them Lord so great.


Theyr sinne of mouth: theyr word of tong,
theyr pryde shall them betray:
For periury: they speake and wrong,
they prate but lyes all day.


Consume them Lord: in hasty wrath,
consume them lest and most:
To know that guide: true Iacob hath,
euen God in euery cost.



These men at euen: will them retyre,
they grenne as dogs to byte:
The citie they: walke all on fyre,
as pickethankes them delyte.


For meate they range: both here and there,
still hungry let them bee:
And satisfied: be they no where,
no rest or sleepe to see.


But I shall sing: thy strength and power,
at morne to prayse thy grace:
For thou hast bene: my fort and tower,
In all my wofull race.


O thou my strength: all whole alone,
to sing to thee I shall:
Thou refuge wart: in all my mone
my God most liberall.