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Mundi et Cordis

De Rebus Sempiternis et Temporariis: Carmina. Poems and Sonnets. By Thomas Wade

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With much of baseness have I had to do—
Base men; base things!—in this relapse of mine
Into the darkness of our common life,
Through which we thoughtless of all wonders go
Of birth and life and death, as brutish swine
That for their food i' the mire make bestial strife.
Worse than Persephone dragg'd back to Hell
From midway-wending towards Apollo's sight,
Fares the pale Soul, into her fleshly cell
Resunk, from her aspirings to the light
Of that etherial day which ever burneth
In holy Thought's imagined Universe!
I have been tempted; and I feel the Curse,
As vainly now my heart to its old glory turneth.