University of Virginia Library


They tell me, that we soon shall meet again:
That some have heard the mighty chariot wheels
Roar in the distance; that the world's salt tears
Are cleaving their last furrows in her cheeks.


It may be so: I know not. Oft the ear
Attent and eager for some coming friend,
Construes each breeze among the vocal boughs
Into the tokens of his wished approach.
But this I know: HE liveth and shall stand
Upon this earth: and round Him, thick as waves
That laugh with light at noon, uncounted hosts
Of His redeemed: and this I further know:
Then shall I see thee,—amidst all that band,
Know thee unsought: and midst a thousand joys
Ineffable,—our own shall we possess,
Clasped heart to heart, and looking eye to eye.
O dawn, millennial day! Come blessed morn!
Appear Desire of Nations! rend thy heavens,
And stand revealed upon thy chosen hill!