University of Virginia Library


LO! another saint is fled!
He has fought, and has prevail'd!
Heaven her portal wide has spread,
And our ransomed brother hail'd!
Often in the house of Prayer,
We our hearts together raised,
Often we forgot our care,
While we God, our Maker, praised.
When he urged the better choice,
Spoke of Heaven, or warn'd of Hell;
When we heard his earnest voice
On the Saviour's mercy dwell;
Joy to nobler worlds allied,
Warm'd our heart, and filled our breast;
Oh! our father, friend, and guide!
Blessings on thy memory rest!
Shall thy solemn words, and kind,
Strangely to oblivion pass?
Leave no traces on our mind,
Like an image on the glass?


To augment thy joys untold,
Gazing from thy blissful sphere,
May the fruits, a thousand fold,
In our hearts and lives appear!
If one soul a crown will gain,
Taught from future wrath to flee;
What reward wilt thou obtain,
For the many born to thee!
Shepherd! child-like! faithful! wise!
(Only to thyself severe!)
With whose name will ever rise,
Sympathies that wake the tear;
Our communion now is o'er,
We thy face shall never view,
Till we meet on yonder shore,
And our intercourse renew.
We the same mysterious road
Thou hast trodden, soon must tread;
We are hastening back to God,
Through the regions of the dead!
May our zeal, like thine, be fired,
From the Hope that cannot fail;
May the Faith, which thee inspired,
Cheer us in the gloomy vale!
May our peace be found the same,
When to Jordan's billows led!
To the followers of the Lamb—
Death is not the King of Dread!