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The Sanctuary

A Companion in Verse for the English Prayer Book. By Robert Montgomery

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Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

“Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.” —Epistle for the Day.

Ruler Divine! in Whom alone
A Monarchy's foundations lie,
Ever around her ancient throne
God save the Queen! let patriots cry.
Though scepter'd with surpassing might
And shrined in more than queenly splendour,
'Tis God Who seals her sacred Right,
And Heaven which must on high defend her.
Replenish'd be the regal-heart
With gifts and graces, rich and rare;
While health and wealth their boon impart,
And blessings more than tongues declare.
Nor pause we here: for, Queens must die;
Truncheons, and crowns, and sceptres fall,
When death shall close a Monarch's eye
In that low dust which levels all.
Hence, for our Island-Queen we pray
That when her earth-bound reign is past
And Kings are judged at Judgment-day,—
Her Crown before the Lord be cast.
God save the Queen! and guard her Crown
By all which Church and Creed can bring;
And ne'er let mad Rebellion frown,
Or Faction her dread peans ring.
Bulwark'd by loving Hearts which beat
With loyalty, from heaven derived,—
Thus may our Monarchs nobly meet
That strength by which the Land has thrived.


For, not in Arts, or Arms, or Skill,
But in religion, Patriots find
The Power which guides that human Will
Whose motions bless, or blast mankind.

Rev. iv. 10.

Phil. ii. 13.