University of Virginia Library



Peter talketh sensibly and knowingly—recommendeth it to Artists to prefer Pictures for their Merit—Discovereth musical Knowledge, and showeth that he not only hath kept Company with Fid-lers, but Fiddle-makers—He satirizeth the Pseudo-cognoscenti—Praiseth his ingenious Neighbour Sir Joshua.

Be not impos'd on by a name;
But bid your eye the picture's merit trace:
Poussin at times in outline may be lame,
And Guido's angels destitute of grace.
Yet, lo! a picture of some famous school,
A warranted old daub of reputation,
Where charming painting's almost ev'ry rule
Hath suffer'd almost every violation;
Hath oft been gaz'd at by devouring eyes,
Where nature, banish'd from the picture, sighs.
So some old duchess, as a badger grey,
Her snags by Time, sure dentist, snatch'd away,
With long, lank, flannel cheeks,
Where Age in ev'ry wrinkled feature,
Unto the poor weak shaking creature,
Of death unwelcome tidings speaks,
Draws from the gaping mob the envying look,
Because her owner chanc'd to be a duke.
How many pasteboard rocks and iron seas,
How many torrents wild of still stone water,
How many brooms and broomsticks meant for trees,
Because the fancied labours of Salvator ,


Whose pencil too most grossly may have blunder'd,
Have brought the blest possessor many a hundred.
Thus prove a crowd a Stainer or Amati ,
No matter for the fiddle's sound;
The fortunate possessor shall not bate ye
A doit of fifty, nay a hundred, pound;
And though what's vulgarly baptiz'd a rep,
Shall in a hundred pounds be deem'd dog-cheap.
It tickles one excessively to hear
Wise prating pedants the old masters praise:
Damning by wholesale, with sarcastic sneer,
The luckless works of modern days;
Making at living wights such fatal pushes,
As if not good enough to wipe their brushes:
And yet on each wise cognoscenté ass,
Who shall for hours on paint and sculpture din ye,
A person with facility may pass
Rigaud for Raphael—Bacon for Bernini:
Or, little as an oven to Vesuvius,
Will Tyler for Palladio or Vitruvius!
One wou'd imagine by the mad'ning fools,
Who talk of nothing but the ancient schools,
And vilify the works of modern brains,
They think poor mother Nature's art is fled,
That now she cannot make a head,
Who took with old Italian pates such pains;
Nay, to a driv'ller turn'd, her power so sunk is,
Tame soul! that nothing now she makes, but monkeys:
‘Look at your fav'rite Reynolds,’ is their strain,—
‘Allow'd by all, the first in Europe's eye:
One atom of repute can Reynolds gain,
When Titian, Rubens, and Vandyke are nigh?
Can Reynolds live near Raphael's matchless line?’
Yes, blinkards! and with lustre shine!

Salvator Rosa.

A German fiddle-maker.

A maker of the fiddles called Cremonas.