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A paraphrase upon the canticles

and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament, with other occasional compositions in English verse. By Samuel Woodford

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Our Blessed Lord's Thanksgiving.
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Our Blessed Lord's Thanksgiving.

Confiteor tibi Pater Domine. Matt. 11. 25.


I thank Thee, Father, Lord of all,
Of Heav'n, and Earth the Blessed King,
That to reveal Thy Discipline,
The Prudent of this World Thou dost not call,
The Mighty, Noble, and the Wise;
But such, whom they, as Foolish, Base, and Weak despise.


From those Thou hast Thy Counsels hid,
Who first Thy Counsels did refuse;
And Babes to publish them dost chuse,
That no Flesh take what Power Almighty did,
And when Thy Hand alone hath done
The weighty Enterprise, ascribe it to their own.


Eve'n so, O Father, so it is!
Thy Will, Thy Love do hence appear,
And that great Power, which every where
In all things Rules, but more in none than this;
For so to Thee it seemeth good,
Thy Grace should none withstand, but those who it withstood.