University of Virginia Library



Eternall Spryght: which art in heaven the Love
With which God and his Sonne ech other kysse;
And who, to shewe who God's beloved ys,
The shape and wynges took'st of a loving dove;
When Chryste, ascendyng, sent the from above
In fyery tongues, thou cam'st downe unto hys,
That skyll in utteryng heavenly mysteryes,
By heate of zeale, both faith & love myght move.
True God of Love, from whom all true love sprynges,
Bestowe upon my love thy wynges & fyre,
My sowle a spyrytt ys, & with thy wynges
May lyke an aungell fly from earth's desyre;
And with thy fyre a hart inflam'd may beare,
And in thy syght a Seraphin appeare.