The canticles or Balades of Salomon phraselyke declared in Englysh Metres, by William Baldwin |
I. |
II. |
III. |
V. |
VI. |
VII. |
lv. |
lvi. |
lvii. |
lviii. |
lix. |
The .viii. Chapter.
The canticles or Balades of Salomon | ||
lxxi. The Spouse to Christe.
The argument.
The Churche commaunded of Christe to preache, willingly obeyeth. But because she knoweth her preachyng can take none effect without his help, she desyreth hym to depart from this worlde to heauen, and there to make intercession betwene God the father and her, and from thence to help her in all her affayers: She desyreth hym also to be as a Roe or harte vpon the swete smelling mountaynes, that is, to be alwayes quicke ready and swyft, in his Scriptures, that they may take effect when she preacheth them. This she desyreth of hym, syngyng as foloweth.
To preache thy wurde thy felowes for to win,
Suche felowes false as Christen folke them fayne,
Loe prest I am: and gladly doe begyn,
With preachyng truth, to thee them to attayne.
Suche felowes false as Christen folke them fayne,
Loe prest I am: and gladly doe begyn,
With preachyng truth, to thee them to attayne.
But sith I know my labour shall be vayne
Except thy help be present therwithall,
Compeld therfore by force, loe I am fayne
To flee to thee, for thy chefe ayde to call.
Except thy help be present therwithall,
Compeld therfore by force, loe I am fayne
To flee to thee, for thy chefe ayde to call.
Wherfore O Christe, whome euer loue I shal,
Auoyde from earth to heauen, and remayne
On Gods ryght hande, head father of vs all:
And there of hym all grace for vs obtayne.
Auoyde from earth to heauen, and remayne
On Gods ryght hande, head father of vs all:
And there of hym all grace for vs obtayne.
And sende from thence thy sprite that may constrayne
All folke through fayth, to gather to thy folde:
That hypocrites theyr folly may refrayne,
And be in dede, the same that seme they wolde.
All folke through fayth, to gather to thy folde:
That hypocrites theyr folly may refrayne,
And be in dede, the same that seme they wolde.
And whan that I suche secretes shall vnfolde
As darkly hyd, the scriptures do contayne,
That in the hartes of all they maye take holde,
And to thy truth all vnbeleuers gayne,
As darkly hyd, the scriptures do contayne,
That in the hartes of all they maye take holde,
And to thy truth all vnbeleuers gayne,
Lyke to a Roe or hart take thou the payne
Vpon the mountaynes of thy wurde to dwell:
And through thy power the hartes of all to trayne
Vnto thy truth, that shall thy mountaynes smell.
Vpon the mountaynes of thy wurde to dwell:
And through thy power the hartes of all to trayne
Vnto thy truth, that shall thy mountaynes smell.
So shall my voyce all kynde of errours quel,
So shall all men resort to thee amayne:
So sin shall synke, so shall the power of hell,
We ryd therfrom through fayth in thee, be slayne.
So shall all men resort to thee amayne:
So sin shall synke, so shall the power of hell,
We ryd therfrom through fayth in thee, be slayne.
So in the churche for aye, thou Lord shalt rayne,
All Death shall dye through fayth of styngles sin:
And we enioye that blisfull state agayne
Whiche bought by thee, we wer created in.
All Death shall dye through fayth of styngles sin:
And we enioye that blisfull state agayne
Whiche bought by thee, we wer created in.
The .viii. Chapter.
The canticles or Balades of Salomon | ||