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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Grevovs is my sorrow.]

[Grevovs is my sorrow.]

Grevovs is my sorrow.
Baith euin and morrow,
Unto my self allone:
Thus Christ makis his mone,
Saying vnkyndnes hes keillit me,
And put me to this paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
For I wald nocht refraine.
My Father was sa mouit,
And with mankynde sa greuit,
Man was sa wylde and nyse,
And rageing in all vyce,
That distroyit he suld be:
Than for man I tuke paine,
Allace quhat remedie,
For I wald nocht refraine.
Than furthwith for his saik,
I did his nature tak,
With in ane Uirgin pure{,}
As schawis my Scripture,
Quhais vnkyndnes dois kill me,
And puttis me to greit paine,
Allace quhat remedie,
For I wald nocht refraine.
Quhen I was bot ane Chylde,
With my Mother, maist mylde,


The Iewis did me dispyse,
And euer mair surmyse,
With vnkyndenes to kill me,
And put me to greit paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
For I wald nocht refraine.
Thay lykit nocht my leuing,
Praying, fasting, nor repreuing,
For quhen that thay did sleip.
Than did I sich and weip,
That vnkyndnes suld keill me,
And put me to greit paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
Ȝit wald I nocht refraine.
Than at the last thay tuke me,
And all my freindis forsuke me,
Bot my deir mother allone,
And my cousing Sanct Iohne,
Till vnkyndnes had killit me,
And put me to this paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
Ȝit wald I nocht refraine,
First I was betin lang,
With scurgis scharp and strang,
And as ane fule mockit,
Euill totcheit and rockit
Till vnkyndnes suld keill me,
And put me to that paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
I thocht nocht to refraine.


Than to ane Croce on hie,
Thay nalit my bodie,
And syne betwene twa theifis,
Thay did me mony greuis,
Till vnkyndnes did keill me,
And put me to greit paine,
Allace quhat remedie,
I thocht nocht to refraine.
And quhen I waxit dry,
And for drink lang did cry,
My comfort was bot small,
To sup the bitter gall,
With vnkyndnes thay seruit me.
And put me to greit paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
Ȝit wald I nocht refraine.
Thus had I neuer rest,
Bot with panis opprest,
And with ane speir full scharp
Thay peirsit my tender hart,
Sa that vnkindnes, killit me,
And put me to greit paine:
Allace quhat remedie,
For I wald nocht refraine.
For this my greit kyndnes,
Me think, of richt doutles,
Mannis Saule suld lufe me best,
Sen it my deid hes drest,
Quhais vnkyndnes hes killit me,
And put me to this paine:


Allace quhat remedie,
Ȝit wald I nocht refraine.
Gif ony ane be heir,
That will by lufe sa deir,
Nocht with siluer, nor gold,
Bot with my blude beholde,
Thy vnkyndnes man hes slaine me
And put me to this paine:
Behald this pieteous body
Thus moste vnkyndlie slaine.
O man quhome I creat,
Quhy art thow sa ingrait,
Seing how I am spilt,
All onlie for thy gilt,
And with vnkyndnes dois kill me,
And put me to this paine,
Ȝit all thy vylanie,
Can nocht mak me refraine.
Quhat sorrow culd me moir,
Than to suffer so soir,
Of them that knew my Lawis
And wist I gaue na caus
Unkyndely thus to kill me,
And put me to sic paine
Allace quhat remedie
Ȝit wald I nocht refraine.
Father forgiue Cayphas,
Pylate, Anna, and Iudas,
Pardone all Iurie


That cryit Crucifige.
Thocht vnkyndelie thay slew me,
And put me to this paine:
Ȝit thair was na remedie
For I will nocht refraine.
My Saull in thy handis fre,
My last will sall be,
O father I commit
Into thy handis my Spreit,
Thocht vnkyndely I die,
And am put to greit paine:
Ȝit for mannis remedie
I sall ryse vp againe.
I leue in Testament,
My body in Sacrament,
For mannis Saull to support.
And be his cheif comfort.
Thocht man vnkyndely haue left me,
And slew me with greit paine:
Thair is na remedie
My hart will nocht refraine.
Go hart I the bequyeth
To hir that was my deith.
Mannis Saull is scho trewlie
My hart hir hart sall be,
Thocht scho maist vnkyndely slew me,
And put me to greit paine:
Ȝit thair is na remedie
My hart will nocht refraine.


The laudes of the Lord trewlie
Ȝe may sing mirrylie:
For all our Saulis health
In Euerlasting wealth
Thocht vnkyndelie ȝe slew my bodie
And did put me to paine:
Ȝe may persaue daylie
My lufe dois nocht refraine.
My Tumbe is freshe and new,
In sauing I was trew:
To put mankynde fra dout,
Thair sall be writtin about,
The Iewis King heir dois ly,
Quhome vnkyndenes hes slaine
And socht na remedie,
For he wald nocht refraine.
O Father Imperiall,
I pray the in speciall
My deith mannis Saull forgiue,
In heuin with me to liue,
Thocht vnkyndely scho killit me
I wald scho had na paine
For I had rather die,
For hir saik anis againe.