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The Works of William Fowler

Secretary to Queen Anne, Wife of James VI. Edited with introduction, appendix, notes and glossary by Henry W. Meikle

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Sueit lovlye kisss and vncontrold disdaynes,
sueit lovlye frosts, sueit kyndlye loving flams,
sueit burning fyres, which suetar cold restraynes,
eyes full of peace and eyes that deathe proclaymes,
face full of bliss, which nocht bot rigour shames,
strong rok of faythe and feble reide of love,
harte soft with hope, harte that al happ disclaymes,
myndes that with myldnes wyldnes dois approve,
this humeur her, that humeur me doth move,
this is her state, and that is myne agayne,
now lowting lowe, now monting high above,
so none of vs can tell quho feils more payne;
bot this I knaw, shee smyles quhen I do dwyne,
so all the dommage and the doole is myne.