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The Muses Sacrifice

[by John Davies]

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The World is in a desperate plight, for which Christ refused to pray.
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The World is in a desperate plight, for which Christ refused to pray.

Bvt if the World be dead, God owes it not;
for of the liuing, He is God alone:
And, if not Gods, it is the Diuels Lot;
which bounded is with the chiefe Corner-STONE.
From that Stone vpwards, all to God belongs;
and from it, downewards, all the Diuels is:
For, God, being iust, the Diuell neuer wrongs;
but; lets him haue his due; as He hath His.
Then, to be Gods, is still to rest thereon:
but who can rest there, that God doth not stay?
Then, sith the World refus'd this Corner Stone,
God, for the World, refused but to pray:
O wofull World, how canst thou merry be,
That so forsook'st him, that so leaueth thee?