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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken
5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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5 occurrences of Beholde and se
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Quintumdecimum Gaudium.


Of alle blessed O þowe blessedeste!—
Þere may be made no comparysoun—


For þylke Ioye, of Ioyes souueryneste,
Whyche þowe haddeste in þy hevenly mansyon
Vppon the day of þyne assumpcyoun,
Whan God above gan for þe to provyde,
As qvene of heven, to sitte on his ryght syde


With a corone of hevenly stonys cler,
Gemmes of werteue, of parfit hoolynesse,
Of Rychesse and beawte moost [e]ntiere,
For þey transcended alle oþer in noblesse;
For, þylke Ioye, O hevenly emperesse!
Pray to thy sonne with hert contemplatyff
That whan þat I schall parte oute of þys lyff


I may in herte haue feythe and ful creance
And mekely make my confessyoune,
And of my synnes haue deue repentaunce,
With contryte herte do satisfacyoune,
And to passe hennes with ful Remyssyoun
O blessed lady! thoroughe grace of þy prayere
To gette a place above þe sterres clere.


On alle my frendis haue pite & mercy,
On myne alyaunce and on my kynrede,
And vppon alle þat love þee feythfully,
Remember of grace, O welle of womanhede!
And graunte me grace with thought, worde, and dede,
The for to serve vnto my lyvys Ende,
And my soole to saue whan I schale hens wende.