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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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The XIIII. Chapter.
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The XIIII. Chapter.


We Two (I warrant thee) wil not faynt-a-whitt.
For as they call mee now, Thinspiring of the holy Goste/
So do those worke great Wonders, that highly do them boste:
And thee, to be the Spirit, that perfect is and free/
We shalbe Both accounted now, Unspotted ones to bee/
Euen as those which fall not into any naughty Sinne.

Hah-hah-ha/That is a fyne Remedy, & cuningly brought in/
As heere it doth appere now, for our Purpose passing-right.
O-ho! This shalbe to many Men, a Comfort and Delighte,
Which, to the Loue of Righteousnes, haue no good regarde:

Namely: To the Couetous, that seeke Gifts or Rewarde.
And go to teache the Scripture, for

Esa. 5.[illeg.] Exec. 13.b. 34. Mich. [illeg.].

fylthy Gayne & Treasure/

Because they woulde liue ydly, after their owne Mynds pleasure/
Also all, that flatter

Exe. 34.b.

the feeble Sheepe, from the right Foulde.

Those that ; with Compulcion; wil the Conscience captiue[illeg.]oulde.


Also those that do endeuour them, with great Desyer-of-mynde,
In their manly Knowledg, Gods Trueth to gett or fynde.
All, which perswade themselues, that they are

Tim. 1.a.


And ; after their owne Knowledg; wil liue

Rom. 1.b. 2. Pet. 2.b. [illeg.].b.

free and vnbrydled.

Also all, that do themselues, on their owne Knowledg grounde/
And with their false venemous Mouthes ; mischeuous of Sounde;
The Entrance into the Christian Beeing, do withstande & refuse.
As likewyse all Disobedient ones, that much Reading do vse/
And which ; after their owne Knowledg; themselues do still teache/
Turning thatt Doctrine to the worst, which the Loue doth preache.
Yea, and those, which the Scripture; like a Topp;

2. Pet. 3.b.

about do [illeg.]wle.

O! We haue yet many more, contayned in our Scrowle/
Which after the Spirits-inspiring, by Good-thinking, do liue.


And to me Unregarding, then high Exaltacion giue:
For I am the Free-spirit, as I by thee do heare.
Eueryone may now deale, like a Foole, and neede not feare/
Re[illeg.]eing with Unregarding, in his Forest that is so wyde:
And fa[illeg.]e: with the free Spirit, then may no Sinne abyde.
For no man, to accuse vs, da[illeg.]e once be so bolde.
Whose likewyse ; after our Mynde; with vs wil not holde/
But shall speake against vs, and saye that we proceede,
In the fal[illeg.]e Freedom/and haue not ; as we reede;
Performed the Obedience, to the Gayning of the Loue/
Yea, though of the Loues Family, or Howsholde then shoulde proue/
Towards them, we wil showe, no Loue nor Freendly-cheere.

If any man blaspheame vs, himself he may not cleere/
In the same flourishing tyme, wherin wee thus do rayne.
It shall also now fal out, to nomans ease nor gayne,
That wil openly dispise vs, and seeme on vs to lower:
For we Two [illeg.] now, gotten vs mighty Power/
Through those People

Apo. 18.b.

that serue vs, in our Affayres that we doo.

Yea, all the Worlde doth showe, loueing Freendship to vs Two
For she doth ernestly her owne, both

Ioh. 15.b.

loue and cate ensue.


Thatt is now well seene and knowen, that it is very-true:
For the most Number are mynded, with Us, euery wheare.

Are they not almost all now, gotten into our Snare?
Who is-ther now ; I praye you; left without our Bandes?
Are not wee esteemed, for the Cheefest, in all Landes?
They com to great Reproche, that against vs rebell.


All this ; my deere Cosen; we now perceaue right-well.
But we must go speedely, and follow our worthy Arte:
That we be not any-more, so feared in our Heart:
Spare not anyone, wherseuer thou comst-in-place,
With thy Good-thinking/but spread it theare a pace.
Practise now Subtiltee/and New-inuentions frame:
That we be no more put-downe, nor brought to any Shame.
Therfore now in Arguing, make Discorde and Debate/
Through thy Spirits Inspiring, with Disputing and with Prate.
Flourish-out thy Woords now, with smooth and gallant Phrase:
That the Grounde af the Trueth, be not knowen in any-case.
And I Unregarding, wil them well to mee allure.

Gowe then together, we wil so temper it to procure,
That they shall very well disgest our Gobbetts euery bitt:
For to vs, this kynde of Dealing, cannot be teadious a whitt.
We wil now go streaw abrode, our Uenom in eury Wynde:
That we may by that meanes, deuour all what we fynde.

We shall blynde & catch them all. We need not to dout it/
We Two together, match them shall. Therfore gowe about it.