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Away! away! said the stout Sir Tom;
Away to a western shore!
There's a glittering cup I would gather up,
And bring to my land once more!
And bright was the air, and the wind was fair,
And whistled a merry lay;
And soon beside a western tide,
The fluttering Shamrock lay.


Alack! alack; said the stout sea men:
Defeat we scarce may miss;
Of hull or of spar that came from far,
There was never aught like this!
And the air grew dark, but the slender bark
Then shone with a glad new light;
For the brave Sir Tom, in storm or calm,
Had soul that was cheery and bright.
Woe's me! woe's me! said the silver cup,
I lived in the westernland
So many a year, 'twere sad and drear
To sail to another strand!
Be cheery and calm! said the brave Sir Tom:
They fight with a friendly foe;
You never with me shall cross the sea
Unless you are proud to go!
'Tis sad! 'tis sad! said the weather-gods;
For surely enough we know
That soon as a gale can find a sail
The Briton will come to woe!
And seven long days there was fog and haze
Or sun in a summer calm;
“I will tarry and try till the thick snow fly”,
Said merry and brave Sir Tom.
Alack! alack! they have beaten us sore!
The hardy skipper said:
“Have never a qualm!” cried brave Sir Tom:
“But look to the days ahead!”
We have broken our mast; our day is past!
The hardy skipper said;


We are yet alive: it is three in five!
The cheerier answer sped.
Alack! alack! we are beaten again!
The hardy skipper cried;
The Yankees float the prettier boat,
Sir Tom with a wince replied.
Now honor you Columbia's crew,
My merry generous tars;
We have come once more from English shore,
To honor the stripes and stars.
Away! away! said the brave Sir Tom,
And crossed the billowing sea;
He carried the wile of his winning smile,
And never a cup had he.
But all of the throng that lingered long,
To see the guest depart,
Said never defeat had chance to meet
A braver and truer heart!