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Barley Bree.

In Auld Scotia was thy home,
Barley Bree! Barley Bree!
But thou sawest fit to roam
O'er the sea:—
And thy roving feet have trod
Wheresoe'er the smile of God
Hath lent greenness to the sod
Barley Bree.
Thou hast been a jovial wight,
Barley Bree! Barley Bree!
Ever ready, day or night,
With thy glee;
And as time has sped along,
'Midst thy laugh, and joke, and song,
Thou hast never dream'd of wrong,
Barley Bree.
Thy heart was ever warm,
Barley Bree! Barley Bree!
If sunshine or if storm
Came to thee,


And the poor who sought thy door,
Though oft helped by thee before,
Ever freely shared thy store,
Barley Bree!
Thou didst alway love thy drop,
Barley Bree! Barley Bree!
But the pint at which to stop,
Thou did'st see.
Yet the habit grew too strong,
And thou lingeredst too long
O'er the draught and o'er the song,
Barley Bree!
And as time flew round about,
Barley Bree! Barley Bree!
Thine own elbow soon peeped out,
And thy knee;
And thy face grew round and red,
And thy jollity all fled,
And the street was oft thy bed,
Barley Bree!
But an angel help'd thee up,
Barley Bree! Barley Bree!
And for aye the poison-cup
Thou did'st flee;


And again thou art erect,
And with mirth thy brow is deck'd,
And thou hast the world's respect,
Barley Bree.