University of Virginia Library


I stand to-day on this historic ground,
Where many thousand heroes now at rest
Lay in this sea-girt nook, while not a sound
Of life or drum disturbs each pulseless breast.
But in the earth's embrace they calmly sleep,
While peace o'er trees and verdant shrubbery waves,
God's white-robed sentinels doth keep
Their nightly vigil o'er their grassy graves.


And here they lie as in their ranks they stood
Upon the field of carnage, where they fell;
With noble purpose linked in brotherhood,
They broke the bondsman's fetters born of hell.
I read the names engraven here on stone,
Yet some “unknown” appear who fought for right;
But on the records kept on high, not one
“Unknown” is found. They're known there in God's sight.
Requiescat in pace” till the bugle call,
Shall summon ye with us to meet our God,
“Who taketh note of every sparrow's fall,
And chasteneth whom He loveth with the rod.”