The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
IANUARY THE 26th: 1619.
Sr Iohn Dauers. | mr Edw: Harbert. | mr Cranmer. |
Sr Nath: Riche. | mr Nicho: Ferrar. | mr Caswell. |
Sr Thomas Wroth. | mr Sheppard. | mr Palmer. |
mr Io: Wroth. | mr Henry Briggs. | mr Swinhow. |
mr Ferrar Deputy. | mr Bamforde. | mr Berblock. |
mr Rich: Tomlynℯ. | mr Kempton. | mr Geo: Smith. |
mr Tho: Gibbes. | mr Oxenbridge | mr Chambers. |
mr Dr Winstone. | mr Swifte. | mr Couell. |
mr Dr Bohune. | mr Canninge. | mr Eli: Robertℯ. |
mr Sparrowe. | ||
mr Meuerell. | ||
mr Arrundell. | ||
mr Mellinge. |
The Comittee appoynted by the last Courte to repaire to ye Clerk of
the Counsell for to see wheither their offer to his Maty: were rightly
entred and accordinge as mr Thr̃rer and the Comittee wth him had
signyfied and reported, Presented now a Coppie p̳cured by mr Thr̃ers
help of the Record as itt stands entred in the Booke of Acts of the
LLs Comiss̃ners of the Thr̃ery; butt the entringe of the Coppie into
the Court booke of this Company was deferred vnto the conclusion of
a more full and ample Courte, by reason that some of the Company
present were of opynyon that not onely the Pattent ought to be pre-
served from infryngement wch they confessed to be done, butt likewise
ought to have beene strengthned, wch they said by this manner of
acceptance on the Lords p̱ts was not done.
Coppy of ye Offer
as itt is entred in
the book of ye Acts
of ye LL͠s: Com̃issi:
of ye Treasury.
Mr Deputy informed the Courte that three seuerall paire of Indentures
for Land was demaunded of the Company, one by Robert Heath
esquire Recorder of this Citty: The Second by William Tracy of
Glocestersheire esqr for Transportac̃on of 500 Personns; And the
the Transportac̃on of 300 Personns, wch the Courte graunted and
allowed to them, to be p̱formed accordinge to the orders of the Com-
pany and agreeable to former Presidentℯ of the like nature.
Mr Deputy allso signified that wheras accordinge to a former order
made xv die Nouembris i6i9 ther is menc̃on of some explynac̃on to be
made to some few of the standinge orders and an addic̃on of two or
three more to be anexed vnto them. [67]
Mr Thr̃er required yt the Comittee appoynted for them, might for that
purpose meet too morrow att Two of the Clock att his howse for the
better preparinge of them for the Quarter Courte wch was now accord-
ingly ordered appoyntinge the Officer to Summon them therevnto.
Next hee acquainted the Courte that the Comittees have agreed for
Two Ships (if itt stand wth the likinge of this Courte) for ye transpor-
tac̃on of Cattle to Virginia for the Company, and those others wch
will ioyne wth the Company in the Charges: As allso that mr Treas-
urer and himselfe will Seale the Charter p̱tys if they order their
Securitie wch for the first poynt the Court well allowed of, and for
the Second of saveinge them harmeless itt was generally assented
vnto and confirmed by erection of hands.
The Comittees beinge demaunded what they had done touchinge the
Tobacco comended vnto their care, Reported that accordinge to the
order in the laste Courte they had taken out one third for mr Leate
butt had not devyded the rest in :5: p̱ts because they could not heere
of any thatt would buy itt vpon wch some excepc̃ons was taken about
that alredy ordered concerninge Mr Leate, that if the rest were not
sould hee paid nothing for his, therfore itt was moved that some of
the Adventurers ∥that they∥ would take out their Dividentℯ att a price,
Whervppon mr William Palmer offered to take outt his att iijs vjd the
pound and beinge conceived that others would ioyne in the like, itt
was againe referred to ye former Comittee to study how to make the
best advantage of itt they can; addinge vnto them mr Keightley, and
mr Palmer and to p̢sent theire opynions to the next Courte.
Mr Cañinge acquainted the Company that ther were divers sufficient
men that would contract wth them at reasonable pryces for all the
Tobacco that shalbe returned from Virginia for a Certaine time wch
hee conceived would be highly to the advancement of the Plantac̃on
Whervppõ the Courte desyred him to bring the proposic̃ons well dis-
gested and the names of the vndertakers vnto the next Court that
there itt might be consydered of. [68]
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||