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The American Commonwealth.

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The American Commonwealth.

Right Hon. JAMES BRYCE, D.C.L.,
Author of "The Holy Roman Empire"; M.P. for Aberdeen. Third Edition, Revised Throughout. In Two Volumes.

Large 12010. $4.00, net. Abridged Edition, in one volume, $1.75, net.


"His work rises at once to an eminent place among studies of great nations and
their institutions. It is, so far as America goes, a work unique in scope, spirit, and
knowledge. There is nothing like it anywhere extant, nothing that approaches
it. . . . Without exaggeration it may be called the most considerable and gratifying
tribute that has yet been bestowed upon us by an Englishman, and perhaps by
even England herself, . . . One despairs in au attempt to give, in a single newspaper
article, an adequate account of a work so infused with knowledge and sparkling
with suggestion. . . . Every thoughtful American will read it and will long
hold in grateful remembrance its author's name."—The New York Times.

"Written with full knowledge by a distinguished Englishman to dispel vulgar
prejudices and to help kindred people to understand each other better, Professor
Bryce's work is in a sense an embassy of peace, a message of good-will from one
nation to another."—The Times, London.

"This work will be invaluable . . . to the American citizen who wishes something
more than a superficial knowledge of the political system under which he lives and
of the differences between it and those of other countries. . . . The fact is that no
writer has ever attempted to present so comprehensive an account of our political
system, founded upon such length of observation, enriched with so great a mass of
detail, and so thoroughly practical in its character. . . . We have here a storehouse
of political information regarding America such as no other writer, American
or other, has ever provided in one work. . . . It will remain a standard even for
the American reader."—New York Tribune.

"The book should be known by every American who wishes to understand his
own country. . . . It is by far the most able, sincere, candid, and impartial study
of the condition of the United States that has ever appeared since De Tocqueville's
memorable work."—Boston Beacon.

THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH. Abridged Edition. For the use
of Colleges and High Schools. Being an Introduction to the Study of
the Government and Institutions of the United States. One Vol. Crown
8vo. $1.75, net.