University of Virginia Library

Sec. 16A-64. Itinerant and distressed merchandise vendors.

All persons bringing to and exhibiting for sale to consumers at
retail in the city in trucks, in temporary places or fixed places of
sale, goods or merchandise of any character as bankrupt,
consignee, trustee, railroad wreck, fire, slaughter stock, leftover,
exposition stock or stock of like character, and all itinerant
vendors doing business in the city shall pay for the privilege a
license tax of five hundred dollars per week, and no license shall
be issued under this section for a fraction of a week.

"Itinerant vendors," as used in this chapter shall be construed
to mean and include all persons, whether principal, agent or
salesman, who engage in temporary or transient business in the
city in one or more places, and who for the purpose of carrying on
such business do not have a lease on a building or lot, etc., for a
period of twelve months or longer. (4-7-69, § 42.)