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July 13-19
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July 13-19

Mr. Meade gives us a sermon from Matthew 19, verse 16 thru 22. I prefer short texts. After supper go over to hear Bishop Johns. We are all delighted. Sermon from John 11, verses 28 and 29. "The Master is come and calleth for thee. As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly and came unto Him." Mr. Meade [Rev. Richard Kidder Meade, the rector of Louisa's church] goes to Clarke this week so we will have no preaching for some time to come. On Wednesday by appointment we dine at Ridgway. It is too warm for dinner parties. A singular coincidence occurs. Mr. Corbin makes his appearance. I feel sorry for some present. I'm very poorly. Take a shower ... which does not agree with me. A good deal of sickness in the black family. Several of the house servants very ill. Little Ellen [Anderson] also very sick. The girls leave us on Thursday for Sister Betties. They will return sometime next week when we will start for Music Hall if all is well. Sue and I spend a day or so with Mary Walker ....Conclude we ought to see more of each other and propose hereafter making an effort so to do. Mary W's little baby is a sweet little fellow, much prettier than Frank [her older son]. The warmest weather I ever felt. We are all in a melting mood. Read lst vol. of Macaulay's Essays. Cousins Howel and Sarah [Lewis] spend the night with us on their way over the [Blue Ridge] mountains. Ma rides old Mose after the turkeys and to the cowpen. A letter from Miss Vallant. She is now in Hartford [Connecticut.]