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Sweet fleckless sky, May heralding
All Summer's joys together,
Vine-wreath, rose, myrtle, nightingale,
And youth's unclouded weather:
Thy sunshine is my gloom: I mourn
Young Hope, aims idly cherish'd;
The faces seen no more on earth,
The priceless years, the perish'd.
Yet Nature holds a gracious hand,
Her ancient way pursuing;
And spreads the charms we loved of old,
To aid the heart's renewing.
Here her long crests of sky-ward crag
Allure the unresting swallows;
Here still the dove's low love-note floats
Above her leafy hollows.


Here its calm strength her hillside rears
From heaving slopes of clover;
Here still the pewit pipes and flits
Within his furzy cover.
Here hums the wild-bee in the thyme,
Here glows the royal heather;
And youth comes back upon the breeze,
And youth's unclouded weather.