University of Virginia Library




(Westminster Abbey, July 25, 1881.)

Not this, not this, O Friend, thy funeral day!
Five long years since, for thee, that passed away,
When she was borne from thee, thy joy and stay;
And bowed and patient here we saw thee stand,
The children she so loved in either hand,
Thy home “unroofed,” a stranger in thy land.
Lost the dear presence of that perfect wife,
Still to fulfil, alone, the double life,
Alone to bear the burden and the strife,—


Shed benedictions from a smitten heart,
Food to the hungered from thy dearth impart,
Dying, still blessing, from thine own to part.
Till now, at last, thy double task is done;
Fought the last fight, the victory fully won;
Thou'rt gone from this small world beneath the sun.
Gone to the vision of the Crucified,
The Master loved so long, trusted and tried;
Gone where the blest who enter in abide;
Gone to the Mother City of the free,
Where mercy with the Merciful shall be,
The pure in heart the face of God shall see.
And in the many mansions fair and wide,
Adoring now for ever by her side,
Serene thou dwellest and art satisfied.

Alluding to the Dean's pronouncing the Benediction himself at his wife's funeral, and after receiving the Sacrament for the last time.