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TO ------.


The day returns—long years have passed, and still I mourn for thee,
In solitude and silence weep such tears as none may see;
Dream mid the stillness of the night, but ah! thou art not there,
My dreams are only as the dreams of those who know despair.


I gaze above—yon high blue vault is bathed in orient light,
And joy and gladness reign around where all is gay and bright;
Alas! it is no scene for me, my seared and blighted heart
Mid sunshine and festivity is lonely and apart.



Where memory strays I pensive turn—hope is no longer there,
But silence reigns where once there trod the beautiful and fair;
Dark are the haunting shades I see, 'tis all the past e'er gave
To future hours of faded joys which time from death may save.


The twilight gathers around me—alas! my life has been
A struggle and a fearful coil—a passion and a dream;
I never knew the buoyancy of childhood's happy years,
My treasured flowers were tended oft in silence and in tears.


And still in solitude I mourn—ah yes! I mourn for thee,
Child of my torn and bleeding heart—the holy and the free!
Dream mid the stillness of the night—but ah! thou art not there,
My dreams are not of such as thee, the beautiful and fair.